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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Bitterley C of E Primary School

"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love" (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

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Christian Vision

"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love" (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)


1 Corinthians 16:13-14

13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. You know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the Lord’s people. I urge you, brothers and sisters, to submit to such people and to everyone who joins in the work and labours at it.


Our Vision Statement

This vision statement, deeply rooted in Christian theology, encapsulates who we are: a loving and caring school community where all are happy, valued and respected.

It also captures what we want for our pupils – to be courageous in their academic and life choices; to be strong and resilient learners who don’t give up when things are challenging and support each other. Additionally, we encourage children to explore their own spirituality and wonder about life’s big questions in a supportive and nurturing environment.


Our Christian Values


As a church school in the Diocese of Hereford Multi Academy Trust our Christian vision of 'Be courageous; be strong; do everything in love'underpinned by our Christian values of








is central to all aspects of life at Bitterley School. The warm welcoming and family atmosphere is evident as soon as you enter the school building.


How did we define our vision?

The process of defining our collective vision involved all stakeholders of our school and took more than two terms to collate and finalise. Under the guidance of our diocesan advisor, we presented staff, pupils and parents with three questions:

  1. Who are we? (As a school and as a community)
  2. What is the need for our school? (What do our children, parents and community need?)
  3. What do we do? Why do we do it?

We had a range of responses from both children and staff, who were given a couple of weeks to think about each question. It was decided that our new vision, would articulate what our children and staff need on a much deeper level than academics.

After collating our ideas, we then spent time as a teaching staff trying to articulate all our responses into sentences and coherent ideas. Here are some of our initial ideas: collating our ideas, we then spent time as a teaching staff trying to articulate all our responses into sentences and coherent ideas. 


After collating these two ideas, we then presented it to our governing body, to seek their advice. Our foundation governor spent some time working with our R.E and Collective Worship Lead to try and refine our ideas, to make our vision more accessible to all.

As a result of these conversations and many more staff meetings, we then ended up with our finalised vision: a true articulation of what we value and embody at our school.


Our Core Christian Values:

Each term, the children explore one of the school’s Core Values through Collective Worship and the curriculum. Each class has spiritual development journals and prayer trees.



Our Christian Vision in action


Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9


Why did we choose this value?

Courage is an important value because it enables us to try new things and experiences and know that by doing so, we can show that we love to learn. We learn to have the courage stand up for what is right and just and that it is our responsibility to acknowledge times of injustice. Speaking out for those who do not have a voice.  Courage guides us and our actions to demonstrate our ‘Love to learn’ in all areas of our lives. Living wholeheartedly. Using the knowledge and skills in our curriculum to choose our own path free from stereotyping; being curious, aspirational.


What do our children and community say about this value and how their actions show it?

  • “You might want to do something on your own but find it difficult. It takes courage to ask for help” 
  • “Courage means facing your fears and standing up for what’s right!”
  • “Courage is standing up for your beliefs and for those who can’t speak up for themselves. Courage is never giving up. Courage is believing you can do anything. Courage is being brave even when you you’re worried or scared. We can show courage by encouraging others and helping others and speaking up.”
  • “Helping someone who is being bullied”
  • “Tackling injustice in our world”
  • “Addressing global issues through local projects



Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ (Galatians 6:9)

This value reflects our aim to support children to be the very best learners they can and to enable them to persevere in all aspects of their learning developing resilience when things are tricky. Having a growth mindset, developing resilience, being able to persevere to achieve our goals to create a confident well-rounded citizen in our diverse world. Our children demonstrate perseverance when things are challenging whether this is in learning or on the sports' field. It also reflects the lengths our staff go to in ensuring that all our children are supported to be the very best people they can be.

What do our children and community say about this value and how their actions show it?

  • "Strength is never giving up"
  • “Strength is always preserving and never giving up”
  • “Standing up for what is right”
  • “Having a voice”
  • “Speaking to an adult if you have a problem”
  • “Speaking up for someone who is not strong or confident enough to say something”
  • “Performing in front of others e.g. Christmas play, church services, sports day”



Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14


Why did we choose this value?

Love is a very important value to us as a school. Love underpins everything that we do. It is very much ‘the why’ of who we are. Love is evident in our relationships with each other. Embracing our neighbours, developing a greater awareness of the challenge’s others face in life and how we can make a difference in our school community, local community and further afield.  Through the curriculum we develop pupils understanding of challenges locally and globally. We teach pupils to listen with respect. It is Love that guides us, as a school family, in all of our actions and enables us to ‘Flourish as a family’.



What do our children say about this value and how their actions show it?

  • “You can show love by being kind, standing up for others and caring for others. Love makes us feel happy and safe.”
  • “Love in our school community means selflessness.”
  • “Love can make you act differently; positively!”
  • “If someone has no one to play with, play with them.  If someone is hurt, take care of them.  Give someone a hug who needs it. We treat others as part of our family.”

What our parents say about our value of love:

‘Thoughtful school staff who genuinely care about the children acting as role models. Awards in shared assembly, celebrating kindness amongst peers.’ ‘Treating everyone with respect. Being kind to each other. It’s a caring community.’ ‘This is strong in the way the school works together and pupils are empowered to help each other, especially older pupils supporting younger pupils’ ‘Kindness features in celebration collective worship and in school daily life– it seems to be encouraged in class discussions and school ethos. It is a kind and caring school.’

What does our Christian vision mean to you?

Pupils were set this challenge as a creative project. These are examples of personal reflections of love, strength and courage created by our school community

Our school vision for me.mp4

Still image for this video

Creative vision for me.MOV

Still image for this video

Flourishing Moments

In March 2024 the worship crew wanted to explore concept of a flourishing moment of love strength and courage. They surveyed parents, carers, pupils and all staff to create examples of flourishing moments. These are used to generate Christian Vision awards. 

Collective Worship

Monday - Hymns and songs of praise

Tuesday - Bible reading of the week

Wednesday - Picture news linked to weekly theme

Thursday - Worship crew drama and reflection activities linked to bible reading or open the book

Friday - Celebration collective worship with parents and carers 

  • Worship crew to share weekly theme 
  • Learning value awards
  • Christian vision awards
  • Celebration of flourishing moments from the school community