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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Bitterley C of E Primary School

"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love" (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

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Pupil Safety Committee

Pupil Safety Committee

We are a small group pupils chosen from across the school by school staff to work alongside the staff and pupils to help keep pupils safe.

We aim to have a strong pupil voice in safeguarding policy and procedure, representing and supporting our peers by promoting all aspects of keeping safe, producing child friendly versions of documents and gathering views, ideas and concerns.

We encourage pupils to be kind to each other and also offer support and help.



The main role of the Safety Committee is:

  • provide a strong pupil voice in safeguarding policy and procedure, representing and supporting their peers
  • promoting all aspects of keeping safe, producing child friendly versions of documents and gathering views, ideas and concerns.
  • To monitor the impact of e-safety education and to identify and fill any gaps.
  • To gain and analyse parent and pupil voice in relation to safe online behaviours and all things e-safety related.
  • To co-ordinate annual events such as e-safety week and e-safety representation at school events.
  • To engage the community through events and workshops.


Committee Members 2023-2024


Our work in Bitterley School


National Antibullying week 2023

During the autumn term we hosted an anti-bullying assembly.

Pupils were allowed to wear odd socks for the week to show that it's good to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. We conducted a pupil safety questionnaire across the school and learnt that 96% of pupils felt safe in school. We introduced worry boxes into each class so that all pupils have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with the class. We conducted a health and safety walk around the school implemented new storage areas for bags and coats. 

Spring Term

Internet Safety Day

We created a whole school and parent workshop to raise awareness of Internet safety.


Children's mental health week

We provided activities for each class linked to United Nations Rights for all children number 12: The right to have a voice. Pupils created poems, used string telephones and explored world communication.

As a result of the assembly we have listened to the views of all pupils and we are planning to host a charity fundraising event for the Hedgehog Preservation Society in the summer term. 


Action Plan 2023-2024


Action required


What improvements will we see?



To develop a safe environment to work in

Health and safety walk around school

HoS and Safety committee

Coats and bags on pages

Classrooms tidy

Tables not blocking fire exit

Wet floor signs put away


Complete and continue to monitor

Fire alarm

Firm alarm check


Pupils should know where to evacuate to



Pupils and staff confused where to go. Organise another fire drill

Anti-bullying survey

Conduct an

anti-bullying survey across the school

HoS and executive head and Safety committee

Do pupils understand the meaning of bullying?



Awareness needs to raise as to the meaning of bullying

Anti-bullying week

Host an assembly for all pupils

HoS and Safety committee

Children will think about the definition of bullying and their actions at playtimes



Children’s mental health week

Whole school assembly

HoS and Safety committee

Children will think about their own voice and how it is heard in school.



Children’s mental health week

Activities for classes taken from place 2 be

Mrs France and Safety committee, class teachers

Children will participate in activities and discuss strategies to support mental health



Internet safety Day

Workshop for parents

HoS and Safety committee

Parent will be aware of how to keep young people safe online.



To develop a safe environment to work in

Health and safety walk around school

HoS and Safety committee

Check actions are continued

March 2024


Fire alarm

Firm alarm check


Pupils should know where to evacuate to

March 2024


To develop Internet safety rules in classes

Develop pupils internet safety policy and AUPs for classes

HoS and Safety committee

Pupils understand how to use ICT safely within school

April 2024


To provide pupils with a voice

Charity event chosen by the whole school

HoS and Safety committee

Children will support and local charity of explain why

Summer term 2024