Wondrous Willows
Wondrous Willow Class
Year Reception and Year 1 2024-2025
Welcome to Wondrous Willows Class!
Teacher: Miss Jones
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Miss Tillsley
In our Literacy we will be using a Talk for Writing approach with a model text of "What the Ladybird Heard". Our text this half term is all about a ladybird who didn't say a word but the ladybird saw and the ladybird heard! Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len are two crafty robbers with a cunning plan to steal the farmer's fine prize cow but little do they know that the tiniest, quietest creature of all has overheard their plot and has a plan of her own!
Homework will be set on a Friday via Tapestry.
Homework for Year Reception will be based on the Early Years Curriculum Areas of Learning.
Homework for Year 1 will consist of the following:
Maths Activities
NumBots https://numbots.com/
Little Wandle Spellings
Individual reading
PE will be on a Wednesday and will be taught by coaches from Shrewsbury Town Football Club. Children should come to school in their PE kit on their PE day.
Year 1 will also be attending swimming lessons on Monday afternoons taught by Mrs Archer.
Forest School
Wondrous Willows will be going to Forest School weekly and sessions will be on a Tuesday. Children will need to bring appropriate clothing to put on such as waterproof coats, trousers or suits and wellington boots.
Drinks & Snacks
Please ensure that your child brings a drink of water (not fruit drinks or squash) to school each day. This needs to be in a labelled bottle that we can keep in the classroom which can be accessed during the day.
Your child will receive a piece of fruit or vegetable during morning snacktime.
School dinners need to be booked by parents online using the Eduspot system.
Reading practise books will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned by the following Monday.
Book Club
Books to share with family at home can be changed during the week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Celebration Assembly
Our Celebration Assembly is on a Friday when children are able to share their achievements, from both within school and outside school, with their peers.
Weekly Memos will be sent via Tapestry for all children on a Friday with details of the learning for the upcoming week.
What are we learning in Willow Class? Click below to find out!
Autumn Term Curriculum Overview
Phonics at Bitterley –
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.