Little Acorns
Welcome to Little Acorns Class!
Lead Practitioner – Mrs Lacey
Early Years Practitioners – Mrs Cadwallader, Mrs Lane, Mrs Childs
Little Acorns Nursery is the starting point of a child’s educational journey through Bitterley CE
Primary School.
Our setting welcomes children from the age of 2 years. We have our own purpose built setting including a large outdoor area. The nursery has access to all of the school facilities and resources.
The nursery staff are highly experienced and relish the opportunity of building relationships with both children and their parents.
There is a focus on child led activities complemented by adult led learning, appropriate to the age of the child and stage of development.
You can only really decide whether a setting is right for your child by visiting it and seeing it in action. We encourage you to visit us during the day. Please call the school office on 01584 890228
We are open term time, Monday to Friday 9am until 3pm.
Morning- 9-12 pm
Afternoon- 12-3 pm
Full day sessions
All 3 to 4 year olds in England can get 570 hours of free early education or child care per year. It is usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.
Working parents may be eligible for 30 hours nursery funding subject to criteria and for more information please contact the school office or visit Child Care Choices -
Drinks & Snacks
Please ensure that your child brings a drink of water (not fruit drinks or squash) to school each day. This needs to be in a labelled bottle that we can keep in the classroom which can be accessed during the day.
Woodland School
Our Woodland session will be on a Friday morning for this half term. We change the day each half term so that all children have time in our woodland area. Children will need to bring appropriate clothing to put on such as waterproof coats, trousers or suits and welly boots. Suits and Wellies can be left at Nursery if preferred.
We have a small core set of books in class at the beginning of term so that our children really get to know the stories.
Our focus book for Summer Term 1 is -
The Duck in the Truck by Jez Alborough.
Little Acorns Gallery