Curriculum Statement
Bitterley CofE Primary School
Our curriculum is broad balanced and aspirational. It has been developed by staff to meet the needs of the pupils in Bitterley. Staff CPD is chosen to support curriculum development and delivery.
The curriculum is carefully sequenced to build progressively, in order for children to retain knowledge and skills.
There are clear links to prior learning within different subjects and to the endpoints.
Subject specific rich vocabulary and reading are the starting points for all learning sequences.
The curriculum follows a two year rolling programme which allows for planned opportunities for purposeful repetition.
The curriculum is inclusive ensuring access for all pupil regardless of background or ability, as such pupils are supported appropriately in preference to adaptions and changes.
Sequences of learning are specified, shared with parents and build progressively to enable learning to be secure.
Our curriculum is carefully tailored to meet the needs of our pupils; they are encouraged to explore and understand the geography and history of the rural area they live in, whilst also being introduced to urban and coastal settlements within the British Isles and the world.
Where cross curricula links are identified teachers make specific connections for pupils.
Learning sequences includes the teaching and learning of a deliberate mixture of knowledge and skills, as set out in the National Curriculum.
Questioning, woven within the rich curriculum is the chance to focus on inclusion, equality, diversity or responsibility and provide pupils with a clear understanding of their place in a global community and the opportunities experiences and responsibilities this offers them, encouraging them to explore the world as part of a life- long learning journey.
Growth Mindset is a reference point for all pupils who are encouraged to make mistakes in order to make progress, reflect on their learning, apply their skills and knowledge and embrace challenge.
Key vocabulary is a focus in every lesson with the progression of subject-specific vocabulary planned into the subject progressions.
Whilst the curriculum is broad and balanced, reading is prioritized above all else. Core texts are chosen carefully to provide pupils with a view of the real world they live: past, present and future with themes of inclusion, diversity and global citizenship as well as opportunities to dive into worlds of fantasy and adventure. The link between reading, writing and oracy is evident through the planning and teaching.
Research and CPD are key to teachers’ expertise in developing learning, particularly pre and post lockdowns.
Reading is prioritised through timetabling, CPD, resourcing and planning.
Progression in vocabulary is specified at subject, year group and key question level and is directly taught.
Our learning environment reflects the broad and balanced curriculum, the ambition we have for every child and clearly reflects the learning.
Curriculum information is shared with parents and children. They are used to develop visual displays of learning.
Purposeful enrichment activities are embedded in the broader curriculum; musical ensembles, workshops, sporting tournaments across schools, after school clubs and trips eg coastal and city. Providing opportunity for pupils to extend their experience beyond the classroom.
Subject progressions specify prior learning, endpoints and vocabulary.
‘Sequence plans’ link over time and across subjects and specify key questions based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
Staff are supported in planning and delivery through collaborative working, timetabling, shared teaching and resource files developed by coordinators to enable best practice.
Support for children with SEND needs is based on true inclusion. Tasks are scaffolded, prior learning is clear and expectations are set out in smaller steps if needed.
Post unit tasks enable teachers to assess the impact of learning and to assess learning gains. They demonstrate progress made over time.
The use of formative assessment, supported through external expertise, CPD and sharing of best practice means that staff are able to identify gaps, plan to teach to them and to make use of additional support where needed.
Formative summative assessments in English and maths inform next steps. Pupil progress is tracked carefully.
Assessment of other subjects is by completing post teaching assessments; children are encouraged to think, talk and write about their learning and make links across subjects, as well as building on previous learning.
Pupils leave Bitterley School, ready to progress to secondary school with a range of skills and key knowledge, which they can apply to future learning.
They are able to offer opinions and views as well as listen to and appreciate the beliefs, ideas and views of others and as such an understanding of the world beyond Bitterley and global citizenship.
Collaboration and partnership with other schools is ensuring effective monitoring and decisive action for improvement.
Be courageous; Be strong. Do everything in love
(1 Corinthians 16:13-14)