At Bitterley CE Primary School, safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads
Designated Lead:
Jill France
Deputy Designated Leads:
Mrs Karen Parry
Mrs Sam Lacey
Mrs Kerrie Lewis
Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe.
Call the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) helpline for support and advice if you have a concern for your own or another child’s safety on 0808 800 5000.
If you feel that a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999. You can report concerns to the police on their non-emergency number, 101.
You can also contact the relevant social care team at your local council to report a concern about a child or adult. To contact Herefordshire social care team click here.
Children and young people who have been victims of a crime may need support to cope and recover. You don’t have to report the crime to the police to get support. You can find free, local support teams across England and Wales on the Victim and Witness Information site.
Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm Website with DfE and PHE guidance including tips, advice and information for parents about keeping children safe. Updated 22nd February 2021
Parents Protect Website Useful information page for parents.
Help for Parents/Carers to keep children safe online.
Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online includes:
- Internet matters
- London Grid for Learning
- Net-aware - from the NSPCC
- Parent info - up to date information from Parent Zone
- Thinkuknow - for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online
- Thinkuknow - the latest resources and advice for parents
- UK Safer Internet Centre - advice for parents and carers
- Vodaphone Digital Parenting Checklists: Vodaphone produce some useful checklists for parents of different aged children to support them with addressing online safety issues. It is advised that all technology children use has parenting controls installed on it. Additional information including links to using technology during the COVID-19 period
Parental Controls offered by your home internet provider.
There are Parental controls offered by your home internet provider. You can contact them for more details on how to protect your family online. Below are some tips on how to activate free parental controls from the 4 big internet providers in the UK - BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media. They have produced these helpful video guides to help you to download and set-up the controls offered by your provider.
Safer Internet Centre
Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online
As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.
You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. The advice and resources are from the Safer Internet Centre will help to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively. Click on the link to find out more.
NSPCC Let's keep children safe online
What is Net Aware? | O2 & NSPCC
Have you spoken to your child about their online safety? The NSPCC and O2 give you guidance around how to manage privacy settings to help start the conversat...