Majestic Maples
Welcome to Majestic Maples Class
Miss Rees is the class teacher. Mrs Wilson and Mr Thomas are the teaching assistants providing support in the classroom.
Texts that we will be using this term:
The Princess and the Frog
Kassim and the Greed Dragon
Our PE day is a Wednesday. This term, Maples Class will be working with Mr Bufton from Shrewsbury Town Football Club to develop their fundamental skills.
Drinks & snacks
Please ensure that your child brings a drink of water (not fruit drinks or squash) to school each day. This needs to be in a labelled bottle that we can keep in the classroom which can be accessed during the day.
Your child will receive a piece of fruit or vegetable during morning snack time.
Reading practice books will be sent home on a Thursday and changed the following Thursday. Children will need to bring their books in everyday to read at school.
Book Club
Books to share with family at home can be changed during the week as the children choose.
Homework will be set on Fridays via class emails.
Little Wandle Spelling Programme
In year two, we teach the Little Wandle Spelling Programme that leads on from the core little Wandle phonics programme that is taught in year one. Little Wandle Spelling builds on children's knowledge of the alphabetic code and teaches them how to spell with confidence. The programme provides a seamless link from the core Little Wandle Programme to teaching spelling in year two.
Useful information